A Vegan Life, Inc. is looking forward to exhibiting at this in-person event Sunday, April 24, 2022, 10-5. Check it out here!
We are anxious to be back “out there” meeting, greeting, and chatting with VegFest participants about our mission here at A Vegan Life. Hi, I’m Patricia, the founder. As many know I became vegan years ago back in 2004 and I did this for the animals, basically compassion. I knew little about the health benefits of this lifestyle and I’m still learning and sharing what’s worked for me. Along the way I was an early proponent of the link between being vegan and the climate catastrophe we face. The tag line for our site was ….connecting the dots for a peaceful planet. This became live in 2013 and at that time it was unique. Today most acknowledge the connection between food choices and being vegan.
We are all products of our experiences and choices. For me, the stand outs involve wildlife and today I feel compelled to do something to stem the tide of mass extinction we face today. caused by habitat loss, and fueled by competition for resources (think massive land use for raising cattle). I know this fact is nothing new but to illustrate just look at Brazil where large swaths of the Amazon Basin are cleared, slash & burn style, to raise cattle and/or plant the foods to feed the cattle.
Industrial agriculture is a major cause of water and air pollution including direct effect on the communities situated within the smell zone. None of this existed to this scale when I was growing up visiting my aunt’s farm in Alberta. You know those photos you see on the back of milk cartons of pastoral farm scenes well they are few and far between today.
Living in Africa deepened the connection I had with wildlife life and I still call upon this experience and the memories to inform my goals and mission today. Do we want to live in a world without these iconic mega fauna? I don’t. And, I’m not only interested in the “celebrity” species, but over time I’ve come to appreciate the value of all species, small, ugly, scary, etc.
So all this to say, stop by and say “hello.”